Build UI
This guide explains how to build the frontend UI from our resources. Follow these steps to get started.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Navigate to the Project Folder Open your terminal and move to the frontend directory:
Install Dependencies Run the following command to install all required dependencies:
Install Additional Tools Install Sass and Iconify, which are necessary for styling and icons:
Start the Development Server To preview the UI and make changes, start the development server:
Once the development server starts, a local URL (e.g.,
) will appear in the terminal. Open this URL in your browser to preview the HUD.
Building the UI for Production
When you're ready to create the production build:
Run the following command to generate the optimized files:
The built files will be generated in the
folder located within the[resource_name]/web/
For further help, feel free to reach out via our Discord.
Last updated