Default Config
This section provides the default configuration settings for Cloud HUD Premium, outlining the standard options and features. You can customize these settings to match your server’s preferences.
Main Config
return {
Framework = "esx", -- Supported: "esx", "qbcore" or "custom"
DebugMode = false, -- Enable print statements for debugging
UpdateIntervals = {
PlayerData = 2000, -- Default interval for updating player and server data (e.g., player count, player ID, time, money, location).
Stamina = 150, -- Default interval for updating the stamina display.
Voice = 300, -- Interval for updating voice status --!(only pma-voice and cannot be configured by the client).
Ammo = 150, -- Default interval for updating the ammo display.
Speedo = 120, -- Default interval for updating the speedometer display.
PauseMenu = 650, -- Interval for hiding the HUD when the pause menu is active --!(cannot be configured by the client).
Speedo = {
OnlyEngineRunning = true, -- Display speedometer only when the engine is running
OnlyDriver = true, -- Display speedometer only when the player is in the driver's seat
UnitSystem = "metric", -- Unit system for speed ("metric" or "imperial")
WarningSteps = {
fuel = { warning = 35, critical = 20 }, -- Example: Fuel warning at 35% (orange), critical at 20% (red)
engine = { warning = 35, critical = 20 }, -- Example: Engine warning at 35% (orange), critical at 20% (red)
Voice = {
System = "pma-voice", -- Voice system used ("pma-voice" or "saltychat")
TransitionDuration = 300, -- Time for marker to reach its final size
MarkerDuration = 1500, -- Time before the marker begins to fade out
FadeDuration = 1500, -- Duration of fade out before marker is hidden
Ranges = {
[1] = { value = 25, markerColor = { 0, 255, 0 } }, -- Range 1
[2] = { value = 50, markerColor = { 65, 133, 235 } }, -- Range 2
[3] = { value = 75, markerColor = { 255, 255, 0 } }, -- Range 3
[4] = { value = 100, markerColor = { 255, 0, 0 } }, -- Range 4 (ignored if only 3 ranges are used)
ConfigMenu = {
EnableMenu = true,
Command = "hud", -- Command to open the HUD configuration menu
ShowItems = {
-- Main Menu Options
MainMenu = {
toggleHud = true, -- Toggle the entire HUD on or off
toggleCinematicMode = true, -- Enable cinematic bars, disable HUD
hudComponents = true, -- Toggle individual HUD components
intervalsMenu = true, -- Customize update intervals for various HUD elements
-- Component-specific Options
ComponentsMenu = {
toggleTimeDate = true, -- Toggle the time and date button
toggleJob = true, -- Toggle the player's job button
togglePlayerId = true, -- Toggle the player's ID button
togglePlayerCount = true, -- Toggle the player count button
toggleWatermark = true, -- Toggle the server watermark button
toggleWallet = true, -- Toggle the wallet balance button
toggleBank = true, -- Toggle the bank balance button
toggleAmmo = true, -- Toggle the ammo count button
toggleHunger = true, -- Toggle the hunger button
toggleThirst = true, -- Toggle the thirst button
toggleStamina = true, -- Toggle the stamina button
toggleStress = true, -- Toggle the stress button (if implemented)
toggleVoice = true, -- Toggle the voice chat button
toggleRadio = true, -- Toggle the radio status button
toggleRadioChannel = true, -- Toggle the radio channel button
toggleLocation = true, -- Toggle the location button
toggleSpeedo = true, -- Toggle the speedometer button
-- Update Interval Options
IntervalsMenu = {
playerDataInterval = true, -- Customize the interval for player data updates
staminaInterval = true, -- Customize the interval for stamina updates
ammoInterval = true, -- Customize the interval for ammo updates
speedoInterval = true, -- Customize the interval for speedometer updates
ShowComponents = {
playerData = {
time_date = true, -- Display the time and date indicator
job = true, -- Display the player's job indicator
player_id = true, -- Display the player's ID indicator
player_count = true, -- Display the online player count indicator
watermarkData = true, -- Display the server watermark
moneyData = {
wallet = true, -- Display the wallet balance
bank = true, -- Display the bank balance
ammoData = true, -- Display the ammo count indicator
statusData = {
hunger = true, -- Display the hunger indicator
thirst = true, -- Display the thirst indicator
stamina = true, -- Display the stamina indicator
stress = false, -- Display the stress indicator
voice = true, -- Display the voice chat indicator
radio = true, -- Display the radio status indicator
radioChannel = true, -- Display the radio channel indicator
locationData = true, -- Display the location indicator
speedoData = true, -- Display the speedometer
Notify = {
EnableSounds = true,
Sounds = {
info = { audioName = "Click", audioRef = "DLC_HEIST_HACKING_SNAKE_SOUNDS" },
success = { audioName = "Menu_Accept", audioRef = "Phone_SoundSet_Default" },
warning = { audioName = "Pin_Bad", audioRef = "DLC_HEIST_BIOLAB_PREP_HACKING_SOUNDS" },
error = { audioName = "CHECKPOINT_MISSED", audioRef = "HUD_MINI_GAME_SOUNDSET" },
Announce = {
EnableSounds = true,
Sounds = {
announce = { audioName = "CHALLENGE_UNLOCKED", audioRef = "HUD_AWARDS" },
info = { audioName = "Click", audioRef = "DLC_HEIST_HACKING_SNAKE_SOUNDS" },
success = { audioName = "Menu_Accept", audioRef = "Phone_SoundSet_Default" },
warning = { audioName = "Pin_Bad", audioRef = "DLC_HEIST_BIOLAB_PREP_HACKING_SOUNDS" },
error = { audioName = "CHECKPOINT_MISSED", audioRef = "HUD_MINI_GAME_SOUNDSET" },
Progress = {
CancelKey = "X", -- Default key to cancel the progress bar (can be customized by the client in settings) --!(not applicable to the UI-only version)
EnableSounds = true,
Sounds = {
start = { audioName = "Click", audioRef = "DLC_HEIST_HACKING_SNAKE_SOUNDS" },
complete = { audioName = "Menu_Accept", audioRef = "Phone_SoundSet_Default" },
canceled = { audioName = "Pin_Bad", audioRef = "DLC_HEIST_BIOLAB_PREP_HACKING_SOUNDS" }, --!(not applicable to the UI-only version)
TimeFormat = {
time = "%H:%M", -- Time format (24-hour)
date = "%d.%m.%Y", -- Date format (day.month.year)
Last updated